There are times in life when it can seem very daunting to need legal advice, particularly if you have lost a loved one, need to plan for your later years or have never had the need to use a solicitor.

Pardoes’ Private Client Team have a wealth of experience, are friendly and empathic. We understand that you may need time to consider your options, or that it may be less stressful or more practical for us to see you in your own home. You will never be rushed and nothing will be concluded until we are certain that you are absolutely happy with what has been prepared for you.

Our whole team are proud to have trained as Dementia Friends to ensure that we provide the best possible service to clients that may need a little extra assistance.

If you are buying a property, getting married (or divorced) or you are a new parent we can ensure that your interests are protected and loved ones properly provided for.

What We Do:

  • Contentious Probate
  • Declaration of Trust
  • Deputyship Applications
  • Lasting Power of Attorney
  • Probate/Intestacy/Estate Administration
  • Registration of Enduring Power of Attorney
  • Tax Planning
  • Trusts
  • Wills

Our wills, probate, lasting power of attorney and trusts solicitors cover Taunton, Bridgwater & Yeovil, Somerset, and look forward to providing you with the expert legal advice you and your family need.

Click here for information on Fee Structure and Timescales.

Click here for information on Care Home Fees.

Contentious Probate

When a person dies, disputes can unfortunately arise as to the validity and terms of their Will. We are experienced in acting for Personal Representatives/Executors/Trustees; beneficiaries and disappointed Claimants. To avoid such issues cropping up in the future, please speak to our Private Client team.

Declaration of Trust

If you are buying a house with another person our Property Team will ask you whether you wish to buy as joint tenants or tenants in common.

If you buy as joint tenants and one of you dies the whole house will pass automatically to the survivor. If you buy as tenants in common then the house can be held in unequal shares and, where one party supplies greater funds than the other, a Declaration of Trust determines what is to be repaid to each party on the disposal of the property. If one party dies the deceased's share of the property passes according to the instructions in their Will.

This is a very sensible document to execute for all those buying in different proportions, particularly for unmarried couples, friends purchasing together or where parents are contributing funds to a child’s house purchase.

A free chat with one of our team can confirm what would be required.

Estate Administration

When someone passes away there is often a considerable amount of paperwork to be undertaken to ensure that assets are properly identified, appropriate taxes paid and the wishes expressed in their Will are carried out.

If the person who died had a Will then the submission to the Probate Registry (which is a Court) is an Application for Probate. Where there is no Will the person is said to be intestate and the application is for Letters of Administration. Both applications achieve a similar result in that the Probate Registry will confirm the person or persons who are legally entitled to administer the estate. The difference between the two is on the distribution of assets. Where there is a Will assets are distributed according to the instructions in the Will and where there is no Will the Rules of Intestacy will apply.

Our experienced team of solicitors can administer an estate on your behalf from start to finish but for simple estates we also offer a fixed fee service to obtain Probate/Letters of Administration to allow the closure of accounts and the sale of property.

Lasting Power of Attorney

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney, one for Property and Financial Affairs and the other for Health and Welfare. These documents allow you to appoint Attorneys to act on your behalf should this ever become necessary.

In a very litigious and risk adverse world it is no longer possible for someone to make decisions for you if you are incapacitated and unable to make the decisions for yourself without the legal authority to do so. Power of Attorney gives that authority.

In addition, the Property and Financial Affairs document allows your chosen Attorneys to deal with your money, property sale, investments and insurance at your request. So if you are going to be out of the Country for extended periods, or perhaps have mobility difficulties, Lasting Power of Attorney can ensure that your affairs are dealt with by someone of your choosing.

Sadly, we must all consider the possibility of being unconscious or otherwise incapacitated and the Health and Welfare Power of Attorney allows your chosen attorneys to make decisions on all health matters from resuscitation to residential care.

Lasting Power of Attorney is essential as it ensures that you are properly looked after and represented by the people that you trust the most. Contact our Lasting Power of Attorney Solicitors in Taunton, Yeovil or Bridgwater, Somerset to discuss your requirements.

Tax Planning

Each individual can leave £325,000 free from Inheritance Tax. Anything above this has the potential to be subject to Inheritance Tax at 40%. 

There are reliefs and exemptions that may apply and planning well in advance can significantly reduce or eliminate the liability and ensure that a larger proportion of what you have worked for during your lifetime passes to your chosen beneficiaries.


Many people delay making a Will believing that they are too young to need one, don’t have anything to leave or have complicated family situations that they don’t think can be adequately accommodated.

A Will allows you to state funeral wishes, choose who will deal with your estate on your death, appoint guardians for minor children and give gifts to friends, family and charities. It can protect assets and assist with Inheritance Tax planning. A Will can even ensure that your pet is properly looked after when you are gone.

As none of us can predict our final day a Will is for everyone, whatever age and whatever their stage in life. There is no such thing as an average family and our Wills solicitors in Taunton, Yeovil or Bridgwater, Somerset, will draft a document that reflects your individual situation.

Locum Solicitor
Legal Assistant
Associate Solicitor
Consultant Solicitor
Trainee Solicitor
Legal Assistant
Accounts Assistant
Administrative Support
Administrative Assistant
Paralegal Level 3 Apprentice

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